Welcome to The Bahamas Girl Guides Association’s website! It is a very happy and exciting time for us; as we are also completing the first phase of our new Headquarters.
As you know, the Girl Guides Association has been in The Bahamas for over one hundred years and it continues to grow. Thousands of girls and young women have benefitted from being a part of this worldwide movement.
Our new website and our new building are two important aspects of the strategic initiatives being addressed.
The website for example, will showcase the work of the organization, and its many activities, past, current and future events and as well as information for those who may wish to become donors and contributors to the Association.
We are very pleased and proud of our new and expanded headquarters, the second phase of which is soon to be completed.
Our new headquarters is strategically located in a rapidly expanding city limit. It will accommodate guides from the family islands as well as internationally. This new facility will provide a safe environment for girls, where they can find themselves and their voices. It will be a place where they can meet new friends, participate in fun activities and learn how to make a difference in their community. Our new facility will permit us to do and provide more programmes and activities for our Association. Upon completion, the Association will put into effect more of its revised strategic goals and initiatives.
The Association is committed to providing innovative programmes to more than two thousand girls around The Bahamas. We also partner with other non-profit organizations, foundations, and government agencies to provide the girls with opportunities, skills, and knowledge to reach their full potential and to become dynamic and effective leaders.
However, for us to continue to grow, expand and offer more programmes, activities and opportunities to our Guides, we are appealing to those of you who are former Sun Flowers, Brownies, Guides or Rangers, as well as parents and friends of Guiding to become volunteers to assist the organization in furthering its outreach, goals and strategic initiatives. You can be an inspiration for the girls and young women, help them to realize their goals while you share some special experiences as you do so.
As a volunteer you can also assist with building the girls and young women self-confidence, learn new skills and have fun in the process. Regardless of your experience, your background or how much time you can spare you can make a difference. We need volunteers in various roles. So, we are asking you to join us, you may help behind the scenes, at special events or assist each week during group meetings.
At the Unit level consider supporting the girls on a regular basis and watch them grow as you develop great relationships with the girls as well as with other volunteers. You can become an occasional helper, Unit leader or Assistant Leader or serve on a committee, become an unofficial photographer, assist in the Guides shop, offer first Aid classes or assist with fundraising where there is always a need, or you may choose to be a donor. Additionally, becoming a volunteer, would allow you will meet new people, gain new skills, do some interesting things and make a difference in our community.
It is about improving the lives of our girls and young women giving them new experiences; being a role model and helping girls realize their full potential. It is all about sharing and developing skills.
You can choose the volunteer role that fits your skills and time; help the girls to develop valuable transferrable skills, like event planning, time management, computer skills, sewing, knitting, and leadership skills and budgeting.
There are so many avenues and ways available to inspire the girls within guiding and we are counting on you.
We can do this together, welcome aboard!